Supporting you
as you
your future

finding students the college that best fits them socially, academically, and financially.

Get Write Into College Consulting LLC begins working with your family when you are ready, as soon as the spring of 8th grade and as late as the summer before senior year.

Let’s work together

Gearing up

In late middle school and early high school, students are advised to try activities, dream big, and be their authentic self. 

Living it Out

As high school progresses, students study what they love, make connections, and gain responsibility.

Broadcasting it Live

As senior year approaches, students recognize their achievements and share them with colleges, ultimately finding their future in a college that is “just the WRITE fit.”

Sarah Applegate

My mom gifted me the Fiske Guide to Colleges my junior year of high school. That book, fluttering with pale yellow sticky notes that marked my current favorite colleges, sat on the front seat of my car for a year, reminding me of the adventure ahead.  By late that year, I knew my non-negotiables: a nordic ski team, an amazing study abroad program, an within an hour of an airport, and at least 3,000 miles from my home state of Alaska.


    Sarah did a phenomenal job helping my daughter with her main essay as well as supplemental essays. She easily connects with teenagers, likely due to her teaching background and compassion for learning (especially for those not naturally gifted in writing!). Sarah struck the perfect balance of staying true to the student’s voice and style, while challenging them in areas that need improvement. My daughter’s confidence and writing abilities improved dramatically while working with Sarah. The college process is daunting for most students and parents and I am forever grateful for the guidance and support Sarah provided. She stays current on recent trends and expectations of college admissions, which is critical in ensuring the students stay competitive with their holistic applications. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions about Sarah and our experience.

    – Inna, Parent


    I am beyond thankful for the opportunity to work with Sarah on my main college essay and supplemental essays. While working with Sarah, I always felt like my writing was my own and I was still able to express my unique perspectives and ideas. She taught me how to be personal in my essays and get straight to the point with a creative twist. Sarah was super responsive to all questions and provided a blend of support and criticism. This made all the difference in the world because as a first semester high school senior, my list of college “to-do’s” felt never ending, and I enjoyed having a push from Sarah to make my essays stand out. I have no doubt that any student with guidance from Sarah would be lucky to have her.

    – Isabel, Student Carnegie Mellon University


    Mrs. Applegate was a font of information regarding the admissions process and was able to help with any questions I had. She made the process significantly easier, especially with ideas for what to write and how to write the personal essay. Without her I wouldn have missed deadlines and stressed out on the complicated forms.

    – Nick, Student


    Having Sarah work with my son allowed for me to step back and watch my son grow in the experiences of applying to colleges without the pressure of his mother pushing him to do it. She motivated him by not only providing him knowledge needed to get things in on time and written well, she imparted that knowledge in such a way as to become a partner with him and not just an educator. She has sparked an increased love for learning in this process as well.

    – Sheri, Parent