My Services

Get Write Into College Consulting LLC begins working with your family when you are ready, as soon as the spring of 8th grade and as late as the summer before senior year.

Gearing up

In late middle school and early high school, students learn about themselves, taking classes and experiencing extracurriculars that will set them up for college. Students are advised to try activities, dream big, and be their authentic self.

    • Course Planning

    • Transcript Development

    • Aptitude and career discussions and exploration

Living it out

As high school progresses, students become leaders at their school or in their community, learning to give back with purpose and authenticity. Students study what they love, make connections, and gain responsibility.

    • College list building

    • Determine ideal college characteristics

    • Look for “right fit” colleges based on academics, social life, and finances

    • Create educational goals

    • Plan out college visits

    • Discuss college cost and ways to pay for college

Broadcasting it live

As senior year approaches, students and their families get to celebrate successes. Students recognize their achievements and share them with colleges, ultimately finding their future in a college that is “just the WRITE fit.” 

    • Personal statement brainstorming, support, and review

    • Supplemental and scholarship essays

    • Instruction on filling out various forms: FAFSA, CSS Profile, SSAR, SPARK, etc.

    • Interview preparation

    • Instruction on the Common App and all the parts of the college application process

    • Make final decisions between colleges

    • Strategies for transitioning from high school to college

Contact me to learn more

Work phone: (561) 510-6341